The new Trustpower office block offered an interesting challenge. The board, as well as having to be type tested at 1600A, also had to be designed for trustpowers maintenance requirements. This meant the BUS is to have ready access for regular thermography and testing of the board while critical loads remain powered.
The ability to break the bus in two via a BUS tie to have each half tested while loads are fed from the other half, separate BUS sections again fed from large UPS supplies to ensure the reliability of supply that Trustpower were after for their mission critical operations. The generator controls are also duplicated with the primary controller handling the large currents for both redundancy and “line support” for load capping, while the second generator controller just looks after the life essential services.
Physically the board had to be built back to back and in three sections per side for shipping and manoeuvring into the plant room, with KCS staff on site in order to put it the six sections together again.